Traditional Cataract Surgery

Traditional Cataract Surgery

Cataract Surgery Helps Improve Vision

Cataract symptoms may lessen with new glasses, better lighting, or magnifying lenses, but surgery is the only effective treatment for entirely removing cataracts. Because cataracts develop slowly, you should consider removal when the vision loss affects everyday activities, like driving or reading. Our doctors at Tupelo Eye Center will work with you to determine when removing your cataracts is the correct decision. They will do their best to answer your questions and discuss the benefits and risks of the surgery.

Traditional Cataract Surgery in Tupelo

Cataract surgery is an outpatient surgery. The surgeon makes a tiny incision to enter the eye through the cornea (the clear front part of the eye) and remove the cataract by breaking it up with an ultrasound machine. Then a new clear prosthetic lens implant is placed into the eye to restore vision. During traditional cataract surgery the surgeon manually performs all parts of the surgery.

In most cases, after surgery you will use eye drops for a few weeks. Restrictions include: no heavy lifting, straining, pressure on the eye, eye rubbing, eye makeup, and swimming for at least a week. Your vision will be blurry immediately after surgery then over the next few days it will clear significantly. Cataract surgery is not routinely performed on both eyes the same day.  Traditionally one eye is chosen for the first cataract surgery then a few weeks later cataract surgery for the second eye is performed.

To book an appointment at Tupelo Eye Clinic

call us at 662-844-7211

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